Maximising the impact of eLearning

Maximising the impact of eLearning Since 2000, the global eLearning industry has grown by 900% and by 2025, it is projected to reach $325 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of online learning platforms across various sectors globally and is set to continue. eLearning - a benefit for employers [...]

Maximising the impact of eLearning

L&D efforts require leadership support

L&D efforts require leadership support January – notably the month of change and improvement. The first month of the year for many feels like a clean slate – a time of looking for opportunities, refreshing visions and committing to new goals and objectives. Many businesses will be stepping into January with a new [...]

L&D efforts require leadership support

Seven tips to help create healthy, inclusive teams

Seven tips to help create healthy, inclusive teams Why is important to create healthy, inclusive teams? A focus on inclusion not only makes people feel more valued, safe and respected, it also makes employees more productive. Someone that feels comfortable at work is more likely speak up, work cross functionally, and innovate. Harvard Business Review research found that a 10% improvement in [...]

Seven tips to help create healthy, inclusive teams

What to consider when delivering learning to hybrid teams

Delivering learning to hybrid teams If the past year has taught us anything it’s the importance of life-long learning, of being open-minded and embracing change. That’s the attitude we take towards delivering hybrid learning to our clients – we approach the opportunity with an inquisitive mind and curious nature. When we refer to [...]

What to consider when delivering learning to hybrid teams
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