Project Description

Chance UK

Chance UK is a charity supporting children aged 5-13 and their families to develop social and emotional skills, building resilience to flourish in a changing world. Chance UK have been delivering solution focused, early intervention services for over 25 years with children at the centre of what they do.

Chance UK logo

How People Business assisted the client

People Business partnered with the senior management team to support driving an inclusive culture through delivery of a Dignity at Work programme. The programme of work entailed creation of policy documentation and training modules. All employees were assigned an interactive eLearning module explaining what behaviours constituted bullying and harassment and encouraging resolution through informal and formal channels.  

Going forward, all new hires complete the eLearning module as part of induction training. A supplementary workshop is delivered to People Managers highlighting their responsibilities to spot concerns and provides skills and techniques to effectively address issues. 

What the client said

The facilitator’s extensive knowledge and transparency on all discussions was extremely enlightening. The encouragement given to me and my colleagues to be able to approach sensitive discussions with confidence, an active listening ear and sensitivity to other people’s feelings is something that has stuck with me.