Maximising the impact of eLearning

Maximising the impact of eLearning Since 2000, the global eLearning industry has grown by 900% and by 2025, it is projected to reach $325 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of online learning platforms across various sectors globally and is set to continue. eLearning - a benefit for employers [...]

Maximising the impact of eLearning

The Power of Energisers

The Power of Energisers Let's talk about the power of energisers! Many a time we could all do with a little energy boost! We at People Business are big fans of using energisers both in our own meetings and in the training we deliver for many reasons. Energisers help to: reduce fatigue for [...]

The Power of Energisers

L&D efforts require leadership support

L&D efforts require leadership support January – notably the month of change and improvement. The first month of the year for many feels like a clean slate – a time of looking for opportunities, refreshing visions and committing to new goals and objectives. Many businesses will be stepping into January with a new [...]

L&D efforts require leadership support
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