Business growth

Your HR partner from day one onwards

Whether you’re just starting out or starting to grow, People Business can help you navigate your organisation’s journey. We’ve done this many times before.

Our consultants are ready to support you from day one onwards. We have worked with individuals and teams responsible for HR for over two decades and understand that growing organisations need the flexibility from us to enable them to focus on their business.

HR for start-ups

People Business understands the pressures of a start-up business. We have helped many businesses prioritise their people-related activities to support organisational goals and ensure compliances.

We can work on a retained or ad hoc basis depending on what suits your circumstances.

HR for growing businesses

Growth can be an exciting and challenging time for organisations. What has worked in the past in terms of HR practices is now no longer necessarily fit for purpose.

We can assist you with a wide range of HR requirements from recruitment to people development, HR admin to resource planning.

Get in touch

    To talk to one of our consultants and find out more about our services, simply enter your details below and let us know why you’re getting in touch.