Reduce fake sick days one managerial behaviour at a time

Reduce fake sick days one managerial behaviour at a time National Sickie Day in the UK falls on the first Monday of every February. Statistically this is when most people will phone in sick to work using a range of different excuses to take the day off. Having a cold or flu [...]

Reduce fake sick days one managerial behaviour at a time

BOOK REVIEW: Radical Candor by Kim Scott

A manager’s main job is dealing with the personal and professional problems of the people that report to you. While this may feel irrelevant to your work, it’s important to realise that relationship maintenance is a manager’s work. Relationship maintenance should be a top priority when you move into a leadership position. Book title:   Radical Candor    [...]

BOOK REVIEW: Radical Candor by Kim Scott

The Power of Recognition at Work

The Power of Recognition at Work An Employee Experience Report from pulse survey provider Officevibe has recently highlighted how changes in employee expectations mean that employers must adjust and amplify their retention strategies to stay competitive in a fierce market for talent. Recognition for a job well done can hold great power. The [...]

The Power of Recognition at Work

Spring clean your self awareness

Spring clean your self awareness Spring is upon us… a time to open the windows and let in the fresh air. It’s not just physical windows we should be opening though – there’s a great tool we’d like to share with you called “The Johari Window”. It’s a simple and useful tool that [...]

Spring clean your self awareness

Ten management behaviours that cause most stress to employees

Ten management behaviours that cause most stress to employees We undertook some analysis of the Good Boss database to look specifically at stress. Our findings have shown which particular behaviours cause most stress to employees. Over the last 18 years, the Good Boss Questionnaire has been providing insights into how certain aspects of [...]

Ten management behaviours that cause most stress to employees
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