Tell tale signs your organisation needs a cultural shift

Tell tale signs your organisation needs a cultural shift In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisational culture is a critical factor that influences success. Our clients often ask us to work with them as they undergo a cultural shift which they see as critical to stay competitive and relevant. There are many external [...]

Tell tale signs your organisation needs a cultural shift

HR game plan: UEFA Euro 2024

HR game plan: UEFA Euro 2024 Euro 2024 kicks off on Friday 14th June with Germany playing Scotland at 8pm UK time.  Many a football fan will have had that date and time blocked out in their schedules for months and fortunately for most organisations this will have little impact on employee [...]

HR game plan: UEFA Euro 2024

Creativity in workshops pays dividends

Creativity in workshops pays dividends What options do we have to create a memorable training workshop that ‘hits the mark’ with the participants and the client? The answer is lots! And introducing a little creativity in your workshops will pay dividends. Where do we start? We start at the end, of course [...]

Creativity in workshops pays dividends

BOOK REVIEW: Humanocracy: creating organizations as amazing as the people inside them by Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini

Book title:  Humanocracy: creating organizations as amazing as the people inside them Author:      Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini Rating:        *****                                                          [...]

BOOK REVIEW: Humanocracy: creating organizations as amazing as the people inside them by Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini

Neurodiversity: Reasonable Adjustments

Neurodiversity and reasonable adjustments 2nd April 2024 marked the start of World Autism Acceptance Week.  The Equality Act 2010 places a legal obligation on businesses and service providers to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate individuals with disabilities*, including  those with autism and other forms of neurodiversity. Recognising and addressing the specific needs [...]

Neurodiversity: Reasonable Adjustments
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