A global development charity

This development charity works globally with communities to develop solutions for agriculture, water and waste management whilst helping to build resilience to climate change and to access cleaner energy. ​

People Business have worked with this charity on a variety of people initiatives. In August 2020, a combination of challenges brought about by Covid, implications of Brexit and changes to government funding sadly meant that job losses were inevitable.

They approached People Business to support them with the daunting task of making a number of their staff redundant. Internally, global HR teams were tasked with following relevant due diligence and managing the redundancy process. They also wanted to give their staff the best possible opportunity to prepare themselves well for their future. A total of eight employees took part in the programme

They reached out to us for options and ideas about how best to do this.

Global development charity

How People Business assisted our client

After initial client conversations, what became clear was that the charity needed a flexible approach that was going to meet the needs of staff who all had differing job roles, backgrounds and needs.

We proposed a structured outplacement programme that was flexible in design to meet specific requirements for each employee.

Facing redundancy can be both stressful and daunting and so we designed a programme that would support staff to prepare well for their future while creating ambassadors for the organisation. Each participant met with one of a team of People Business qualified coaches for an initial one-to-one session. This was important and allowed them the time and space to express their initial feelings while helping them to consider options for their future.

After the initial one-to-one sessions, we offered a menu of support which covered topics such as CV creation, preparing for an interview and setting up a business. Employees were able to select which workshops would best suit their needs, and these were one or two hours in duration.

We have continued to support this charity with one-off outplacement coaching as and when their needs arise.