Talent assessment

Psychometric assessment for businesses

Psychometrics have a wide range of uses for organisations looking to assess individual and team dynamics in their workplace. 

Most commonly, our clients approach us for support in the following areas:

  • Assessing teams or individuals already working in the organisation to understand behavioural strengths and potential derailers to success
  • Exploring traits in individuals going through a recruitment process, to ascertain how they might fit into a team
  • Personal development and coaching for individuals, either using 360 feedback or personality profiling

Helping you find the right people for your organisation

Whether your organisation is looking to demonstrate objective assessment, improve the quality of hire, increase efficiency or improve team dynamics by closing gaps in aptitude, psychometric assessment can help you to find the right people for your business. We also help PE firms conduct management due diligence as part of exploratory portfolio investment committees.

And, once your teams are formed, we also help clients explore personality profiles and aptitude assessments can help a team to think more deeply about how they work together effectively.

We have extensive experience in many tools, including all the main Five-Factor personality assessments:

  • 16PF
  • OPQ
  • Wave
  • Hogan HPI, HDS, MVPI
  • ESCI
  • FIRO-B
  • MBTI
  • Insights
  • PAPI
  • DiSC

We’ve also developed our own proprietary psychometric, called Good Boss Questionnaire (GBQ), which specifically looks at first line management and the impact of management style on organisational effectiveness. You can find out more about this here.


Executive assessment

Our tried-and-tested process to explore strengths and development areas

Psychometric and ability testing

Ensuring you’re prepared for the next steps in your growing organisation

Good Boss Questionnaire

A real insight into management behaviour – the rights and the wrongs

Team assessment

Used as part of a development intervention for functional teams

Assessment centres

Learn what’s working and where  improvements could be made

Cultural assessment

To identify issues hindering performance or growth