HR for growing businesses

So, your business is growing… now what?

Growth can be an exciting and challenging time for business – as the opportunities come thick and fast, so do the demands for your time as a leader and manager. It can feel as though you are being pulled in all directions, keeping your head above water trying to make the best decisions to direct the business, whilst maximizing the opportunities you are facing.

Our consultants are ready to jump in and help you wade through a surge of change. We’ve done this many times before.

We find that small companies can cope quite well without a dedicated HR resource until they reach their tipping point – the point where you realise you’re doing more paperwork than actual work. When the excel spreadsheet you have been using for employee data is overflowing, and you have only one hiring manager who is experienced enough to interview (worse if that person is also you).

There comes a point when you recognise that the way you have always done things in the past (HR practices included) is no longer fit for purpose and is definitely not suitable for a larger workforce with greater demands.

Or perhaps you are well ahead of the game and are confidently recruiting, onboarding and developing your succession plans. Maybe you only need some targeted support from an expert on one specific project, such as creating a graduate scheme. Why not tap into the experience of a consultant, who has put these initiatives in place already?

How People Business can help your growing organisation

  • Practical assistance (including HR administration): When everything else is under control and you just need someone to issue the letters on time and deal with the unexpected (…such things always pop up just when you think it’s all under control).
  • HR development for business owner/leaders/managers: As your organisation increases and becomes more complex, so too does the complexity of the HR issues you will face. If one of your managers is in charge of HR and they could do with a HR refresher (or a complete overhaul), we have a flexible HR development programme that can help them improve their expertise at their own pace.

  • Growing your managers: Who is promotion-ready? Are they really promotion-ready or are they just the most longstanding employee in the room?

    Up-skilling your managers is an investment in the success of your business, especially when it comes to new managers. We can help them to discover their strengths as a manager and consider how the business needs them to perform in order to make a success of their promotion.

  • Resource planning and recruitment: Sourcing new talent can be tricky – trickier still if you’re doing it all yourself. Our consultants can help with sifting CV’s, interviewing candidates, whatever is needed. To go one step further, we can train your managers in recruitment and interviewing skills so that they can run the whole process in-house.
  • Developing your people:  Now is a good time to start up-skilling your people. New opportunities bring increased demands for their skills, abilities and experience than before. Offering up some skills-building support would probably be well received!

  • Coaching for success: Have you thought about yourself in this process? Whether you’re restructuring teams or taking the business in a completely new direction, you’re likely to have some lofty goals and responsibilities. Coaching can be a great assistance for leaders who need to be adaptive and strategic in their approach. Scheduling in some 1-2-1s with an experienced leadership coach can keep you moving in the right direction.

Get in touch

    To talk to one of our consultants and find out more about our services, simply enter your details below and let us know why you’re getting in touch.