Group facilitation

Facilitation delivers results

At People Business, we enjoy helping teams and organisations to reach their fullest potential and we partner with you to create bespoke solutions that meet your needs and bring out a group’s unique strengths and capabilities.

An independent expert facilitator brings a fresh pair of eyes to your session which means that the whole team (including the leader) can be fully engaged in discussions.

Case study: Facilitation

This consultancy approached People Business at a time when they were seeking alignment on strategic priorities. Consensus was required among their 24 shareholder-directors so that agreements could be put in place on strategic themes for their future.

Top five reasons to use an external facilitator

  1. Action-focus: We encourage a focus on ‘So what?’ to ensure discussions drive practical outcomes so people leave clear on the actions they will take.
  2. Independent approach: An external facilitator can focus on the outcome required without bias to one particular solutions. This perspective helps ensure alternative viewpoints are heard and that the real conversations can be had.
  3. Managing personalities: Meeting dynamics can be difficult, especially when you are familiar with the people in the room. Managing conflict is fundamental to producing effective outcomes and a skilled facilitator can create an environment for constructive discussions with no single viewpoint dominating.
  4. Attention to detail: We pay attention to the small details that often get overlooked . We can organise the session and provide the appropriate materials to create engaging and effective group sessions. We are not rigid with our approach, instead preferring to flex our inputs depending on group needs.
  5. Maximising time and reducing risk: Spending a day out of the office for senior team members can be costly. External facilitation ensures maximum benefit is gained from the investment of people’s time.

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