Working with the leadership team

Working with the leadership team

Great leaders aren’t born, but are made. We help people become the best leaders they can be.

People Business helps organisations understand the capabilities their leaders and managers need to deliver exceptional results. And we create bespoke solutions to deliver that development. With decades of experience in building leaders’ confidence and capability – we don’t have off-the-shelf products that we try to fit our clients into. Our starting point is to see everyone as a potential leader, regardless of their role or level of seniority. After all, anyone can make a difference.

Of course all organisations are different, with their own unique strengths and areas for development. Common challenges that organisations come to us to address include:

  • More clarity of vision and appetite for change
  • Greater collaboration across diverse functions
  • Building accountability and pro-activity to address challenges head on

There is no instruction manual or identikit leadership profile for success. Each of us needs to work out for ourselves the leadership that works for our personality, role and experience. But there are strategies and tools that we can learn. We turn the spotlight on how leaders think and give them the freedom, confidence and capability to work out how to take action.

Ultimately people pay little attention to what their leaders say unless it is backed up by their actions. So we challenge leaders to be authentic and help them to role model the behaviours they expect to see in their people. Conflict is a topic that even senior leaders often shy away from for fear of making things worse. Differences are inevitable at times of change – we help leaders establish healthy conflict cultures to spark innovation and energy.

Why choose us to help  develop your leadership team?

At People Business we don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach – this philosophy has been at the core of our business for over 20 years. We begin each new engagement by looking at what’s working, what makes you and your business unique and your ambitions for the future.

Working in partnership, we develop truly bespoke programmes that tap into the full potential of your people to deliver great results. We help you understand the capabilities your leaders and managers need, and provide the support to help them get there.

  • We fundamentally believe that people are capable of achieving great things

  • We will work with you to create learning objectives that are relevant, realistic and relatable

  • We turn the spotlight on how leaders think and give them the freedom, confidence and capability to work out how to take action

  • We will work with you to create a culture for leadership – a culture that buzzes with motivation and challenge
  • We will support and challenge you to demonstrate the culture you want to see

  • We encourage evaluation to assess return on investment and we will evaluate work against the original learning objectives

What our clients say about us

Steven Stewart, Team Lead, Renaissance Global

“Graeme has a very easy going style of coaching, yet succeeds in getting you to work through your assumptions and actions in a way that helps you achieve your objectives almost without you realising you have done it!”